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A new technique obviates the scalpel because the uterus heals with freddo.Così you leave the hospital in a hurry. And you can have children without problems

The cold against fi bromi uterus. And this is the secret of a new technique that heals the disease and avoid heavy surgery which can impair the function of this body part, so important. The idea came to the US specialists from the Mayo Clinic in Richmond, Maryland. Irnpegnati for years in an attempt to cure the cold prostate cancers and liver, American surgeons have at the end was successful in another field: the fi bromi uterine Now the new method has arrived in Italy: experts Clinic gynecological of 'Hospital Salesi Ancona are the first in Europe to adopt the American technique.

Three small cuts. "A few years ago we started a program of study, in collaboration with colleagues from the American clinic," says Joseph Garzetti, director of birthing and gynecological hospital Marche. "We are thus able to have a special probe, able to freeze at a temperature of minus 197 degrees the tissues with which it comes in contact. And, together with specialists from overseas, we have developed the technique. " How involved surgeons Ancona? The probe is transported until fi broma laparoscopically, that is, with special tools. To do that just three small cuts on the abdomen, two on either side and one in the middle, inside the navel: passing through these incisions specialists reach fi bromi without "touching" the inside of the uterus. Imagine that it is a bag and fi broma a ball on the inner wall: the probe touches the outside of the bag, exactly where the ball is. "After falling asleep to the patient, it takes a small piece of fi broma for histological analysis. It veri fi cation that, under the microscope, whether it's a benign nodule, "explains Andrea Ciavattini, gynecologist of the hospital birthing Marche. "If the confirmation is reassuring, it inserts the" cold probe "within the fi broma in the hole left by the withdrawal. The temperature is gradually lowered, over 15 minutes, until reaching the less 197 degrees. The phases of the project are followed through a tiny camera fibers ot fi and, together with un'ecogra fi: in this way you control the situation perfectly. Expects, therefore, that the freezing of the fi broma be comprehensive: then the probe is heated and removed. The intervention is finite: the cells of the fi broma, at this point, have died. The body recognizes them as a rejection and suffered a slow process of elimination: so the lump is reabsorbed by itself within a few months. " The advantages are numerous. "No need to affect the organ as it was fi no to today in the traditional interventions," says Garzetti. "After the operation does not have sanguinamen fi, and you feel less pain. The intervention is very fast: about 45 minutes, compared to two hours than the traditional one. The recovery is much quicker: you are in the hospital only a day (compared to six, seven required with the other type of intervention). sex life, fi nally, can resume normally after a month. "

What disease

l fi bromi are benign tumors, which appear on the wall of the uterus. Or that protrude inside the organ. "They vary widely in size: they can be as big as a grain of rice, but also reach 30 centimeters in diameter," says gynecologist Joseph Garzetti. "It 'a very annoying problem: sufferer has usually pain similar to cramps, irregular menstruation and abundant, sometimes small hemorrhages." With some special drugs, which reduce estrogen hormones in the blood. it slows the growth of fi bromi fi no to menopause when hormone levels drop and the problem can heal on its own. Sl can take the pill? Yes, and you should discuss with your gynecologist: some contraceptives, progestin-based, can also help. Often, however, the medicines are not quite ef fi cient: and need an operation.

A safe pregnancy . To demonstrate the effectiveness of the new technique are the results of the first study carried out in the hospital in Ancona last year, when the method was still experimental. Out of 15 women ultraquarantacinquenni subject to the new intervention, ten have had no problems and fi bromì have completely iiassorbiti. In three cases the size of the fi broma were reduced by half. And only two of the symptoms are still felt. "Thanks to this first experience we understand who is really suitable for the new technique," says Dr. Ciavattini. "The chances of recovery are very high for patients who have, at most, five fi bromi. And in diameter never exceeding 10 centimeters. If, in fact, there are more nodules, or if the fi broma is bigger, it is more likely that the healing is not fi nal. And that, after a few months, the problem back to bother. " In the right patients, however, the results were so convincing fi push surgeons to use the probe for younger women. "To them the new technique provides an extra edge," adds Dr. Garzetti. "The ability to have a normal pregnancy and have the baby naturally after 'intervention. The uterus does not suffer cuts and therefore no scars: can, therefore, tolerate well both pregnancy and childbirth, without there being a need to resort to Caesarean section. Similar to women made ​​with traditional techniques. " Of course it is always the surgeon to decide, case by case, the most appropriate technique.For information on the work with the "cold probe" you can turn to 'O Salesi hospital of Ancona. For any information on possibilities of admission, you can call the number 07136745.